Getting Organized…Like a Boss

As the semester starts up, I’m sure many of you are prepping for your new classes. For those of you who are new to the game or maybe had a “rough” Fall semester, sometimes being (and staying) organized will help you succeed. Here are some tips from around the web on how to get and stay organized in college!

  • Remember that no one is there to remind you to do your homework, study, pay bills, wake you up, etc. You are responsible for your own success.

  • Create a time management system that works for you.

  • Get a planner, a good one (not one of those puny 4” monthly planner booklets). Write down all important dates & times (work schedule, class times, due dates, tests, etc.). If its a really big planner, schedule your day by the hour and be sure to add in time for sleep, studying, free time, eating, and basic functions (showering, bathroom, etc.). But…be sure to remain flexible in case of emergencies or special events.

  • Color code your life. For some people, myself included, having different tasks written or high-lit in a specific color helps to keep me organized/on task. Think about different colors for different tasks or maybe go with the stoplight motif.

  • Keep your classes separate: Get folders or binders for each class (go even further and use corresponding colors from your scheduling for the folder color) and keep all notes, handouts, etc. in that folder. Try to keep things in chronological order.

  • Put things away in specific spots when you are finished with them (like keys, phone, etc.) so you always know where they are.

  • Carry a backpack/large bag and keep specific items in them at all times. Have spare pens, paper, blue books, flashdrive, etc. on hand and easy to find always in this bag.

  • Invest in a big desk calendar–write down all important dates & times.

  • Use a whiteboard & dry erase markers. Write down all upcoming important dates & times or course work that is due (color code if that helps you) and erase as they are completed or passed.

  • Take a trip to the dollar store for desk organization items. Keeping your workspace organized will help you stay on task.

  • Go through “something” once a week. Clean out a drawer, empty your purse, etc. Sometimes you’ll find missing things or realize you’ve missed an assignment! If nothing else, this will help you keep your space organized for longer if you are a messy person (like me).

  • Plan in advance. Yes, that paper isn’t due until May, but it might be a good plan to have it written down somewhere so it stays in your mind.

  • Take a stapler to class (or a hole punch). This will allow you to keep materials together from each days class. Three hole punch will let you toss it in a folder or binder immediately.

  • Create routines. Having a morning routine could help non-morning people stay on task in their haze.

  • Sticky notes! Have to read a specific chapter, put a sticky note in at the beginning of the required reading with the date it must be finished. You could color code this too (red for NOW – green for “ you have time”).

Organizing is different for everyone, and not every technique works for every person. These are just some basic ideas to keep you on track during the semester. Perhaps having a clear picture of your semester written down will help you avoid the end of semester crunch/crash. Good luck in this new semester! If you need any help staying on track, you are welcome to visit the library. We can sometimes be very helpful! 🙂

Where I found this nifty information.



Filed under Information, The More You Know...

2 responses to “Getting Organized…Like a Boss

  1. Pingback: It’s been a busy week afterall! | My Life. One Story at a Time.

  2. Pingback: Changes That Can Help You Have an Organized Life |

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